After my initial contact with my mentor at Wallace High school I was a bit overwhelmed about the task that I was given. My placement project is to put together a list of fixtures or arrange tournaments for different schools of sport at Wallace. I was worried about how I would gain contacts or how I would be able to arrange the right things for the kids involved. However, after meeting my mentor and coming up with some clear goals, both short and long term, I feel much more confident about the challenge that lies ahead.
I began my placement on Monday morning and during my morning in the school I got to speak to children ageing from S1-3 that were members of the swimming and football schools of sport. After speaking with many kids my challenge became much clearer as I gained a clearer picture of what it is they want. To begin with I was a little overwhelmed speaking to large groups of high school kids but as the morning went on I became more comfortable. It was great to meet the children and other staff members at the high school, they all made me feel really welcome and I can wait to get more involved in my project.
Going forward I have been co-ordinating with my mentor and she is going to forward me a list of contacts that I need to arrange fixtures and potential competitions for the swimming and football groups. I know exactly what the children want and I feel much more confident now that I am going to be able to deliver for them. My mentor has been great and I really enjoy working with her.
Looking forward to week 2 at Wallace High School.
Very interesting read about your initial experience at Wallace High. Seems to be a very exciting placement in which you should enjoy.
Hi Michael, I am so glad that you become more confident with your given tasks. It seems that you are in charge of important tasks which might be a bit overwhelming but it is great that your mentor has helped you to proceed your work. I also look forward to hearing your explereince next week! Well done! -Romie