So this week I met up with the team organizing the fright night fun run at the end of the month. The meeting was based around a progress check from the original group. We are at a stage where we are looking for places to promote flyers and promote the event through classes. We are looking to approach clubs and societies who are part of the student union. We aiming to have the event based around students and look for most of the participants to be students. I am going to talk to the social secretary for rugby and get the team involved as they are a large team that can bring numbers. We also discussed the roles the team would have when the event is running. There will be a team that will be taking over social media, a team that will be organizing race numbers, a team tracking race times and a team of scarers.
We are also planning to have a stall in the INTU building to get interested in an international student level and have them be involved. There will be a rota posted for when people will have allocated time on the stall.
I am looking forward to the next meeting see how people are making progress.
Hi Innes, I am glad that you made the meeting and discuss the key activities for the event. The team seems to develop some good plans already. It was a great idea to engage your team in this event. Hope many people are interested in and take part in the event. I look forward to learning how it goes! -Romie