Feeling so much better this week for placement thankfully. I was helping out at the primary school cricket session again this week. I found the session particularly challenging. The pupils that attend this session seem to have a real lack of respect for the coach. Always messing around and not listening or paying attention to instructions given by the coach. I felt myself having to bite my tongue not to raise my voice to get them to actually sit and listen. However I didn’t really feel it was my place to do so. It was Tony’s session and I didn’t want to over step my mark as it were. When he finally managed to get them sorted into their groups to practice their catching skills I did raise my voice to the 3 groups I was working with as they were just launching the balls around the gym and throwing themselves on the mats. It did appear to have an impact as they stopped messing about and actually started doing the task that they were meant to be doing. Although not for very long before they started messing around again. I could feel myself getting increasingly annoyed at certain pupils. However I just took a deep breath and put this aside and encouraged them and gave advice to them when they were doing the different tasks. I was actually quite thankful when the session ended. As it was very manic. It did think a couple of times, “this is why I don’t teach children”.
The Floorball session up at the high school was far more relaxed. There were fewer pupils there this week so they only had 2 teams and the played 15 minute halfs. They pupils there are very focused and eager to play. It was a good opportunity for me to watch them play as a team and individually. Tony also let me see the skill session plans that he intends to use after the holidays. They look good and I hope to maybe get along to 1 of the sessions but I have had to miss a couple of weeks of my Sporting Excellence lectures in order to attend these sessions so I plan after the reading week to go back to the Fridays as I don’t want to miss anymore than I already have.
Hi Christina, i am glad that you feel much better about your placement. I understand how it feels to try teach some children that choose not to listen as this is something that i have also experienced. Thankfully the second session was better were you were able to coach these kids in a more relaxed environment. I hope your next session goes well in a couple of weeks time and i wish you all the best. – Lauren
Hi Christina,
Glad to hear your feeling better for placement this week, just a shame how that session alone made you feel. It is horrible no matter what when people are disrespectful and I see why you would want to say something. You managed to get it through it and hopefully you wont have to have another session so challenging.
Holly Sheil
Hi, Christina,
Its good to hear that you were feeling better for placement this week. Your first session seemed like it was quite stressful but it is good that you were able to find a way of dealing with this. Also it was nice that you had a much more relaxed session afterwards.
Hi Christina, Thank you for sharing your story and picture as well! As we disucssed in our meeitng, yes, it is really challenging to deal with children. It is also a big question how to control their behaviour. I am so glad to see that you have made a really good progress at Coach My Sport. I look forward to your next post! -Romie