PVG confirmation

I am still awaiting the confirmation of my PVG, and with the weeks going by quickly, this isn’t ideal.  However, as mentioned previously, the flexible nature of my placement with Active Stirling means there is still plenty of oppourtunities to gain the required hours.

The apprehension of getting going is growing the more I have to wait.  Although the overriding emotion is still excitement, with this chance to work with many different groups of young people, doing my best to help both them and the people running the events I will be attending.  I have been revising through previous sessions I did when getting my coaching qualification in preparation for when everything is in place.  Again, this only contributes to the excitement and slight nervousness I’m feeling in regards to coaching young people for the first time.

I’ve been in contact with Craig regarding the PVG, this process is well on it’s way to being complete.  Hoping again to finally get going by the time I post my next blog.  Apologies for the delay and repetetive nature of my blogs so far!


5 thoughts on “PVG confirmation

  1. hh15 says:

    Hi Tom, no worries at all. I understand that you must feel uneasy as you haven’t started yet. However, I don’t want you to feel that way. As you mentioned, you will have a plenty of opportunities once the PVG is in place. You may want to focus more on dissertation then while you are waiting 😉 -Supervisor Romie

  2. chf00013 says:

    Hi Tom
    This must be very frustrating for you. Hopefully you will get it sorted and be able to start getting your hours in. There should be plenty of things going on at Active Stirling in the next month or so for you to get them done. Particularly with the active schools team. Look forward to your posts once you get started.

  3. jah00134 says:

    Hi Tom, I can relate to your feelings of apprehension to starting your placement however you sound well prepared. I would therefore try and focus on how excited you are to begin and maintain a positive outlook on what this experience will bring you. I also understand waiting for the pvg must be frustrating but you could use this time to prepare further. All the best – James

  4. ren00008 says:

    Hi Tom, I completely understand your apprehension completely as I am very much on the same boat. Hopefully they are sorted soon and we can get started on our placements with Active Stirling. – Rebecca

  5. rjs00010 says:

    Hi Tom

    sounds like there is a few of us all in the same boat. I’m exactly the same, I haven’t gotten much enjoyment out of writing blogs about not doing anything either. fingers crossed for next week.

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