Week 5 – at Raploch Primary School

Today, was week 5 of my placement at Raploch Primary School. As soon as I arrived, my mentor informed me that the timetables had changed therefore, I would be assigned to two different physical education classes. Instantly, I thought oh no what if they don’t listen to instructions or what if they don’t like me?  I was pretty devastated particularly because I was comfortable with the classes that I took, as I had been with them for the majority of my placement. However, I realise that change can be important which tested my ability to adapt. Generally, this showed how strong my relationship was with not only the pupils I taught but the previous teachers that I assisted.

Due to the change of timetable, I was required to assist one primary 7 and a primary 3 class.  The primary 7s took part in Tennis whereas the primary 3s participated in fitness. For this particular blog, I have chosen to speak about fitness.

For the warm-up, we played tunnel tig which was chosen by the participants. When referring to the key drills myself and the teacher created a circuit that was related to fitness. These stations included; skipping ropes, relay races, hurdles, sit-ups, star jump’s and speed bounce were participants jumped left and right as fast as could. Participants had once a minute at each station. During the session, I noticed that a little girl had given up which resulted in her sitting at the side. My pet hate is when people state that they cannot do something as I reply, “there’s no such word as can’t”. One girl stated that she couldn’t do sit-ups. yes, I do understand because she is pretty young to be doing sit-ups, but everyone needs a challenge don’t they? So, when I saw her sitting at the side I went over and asked, “would you like me to help you perform a sit-up?”. Thankfully, she allowed me to help her. I pressed down on her toes and told her to push herself up while keeping her tummy nice and tight. Did she do it successfully? Yes, she did.

Similar to last week’s session I was able to put another smile on a participant’s face. Therefore, if I can bring a positive vibe and encourage kids to never give up, I have done my job.

3 thoughts on “Week 5 – at Raploch Primary School

  1. cha00044 says:

    Hello, Its good to hear that you are able to encourage the children when they think they cant do things. You will have made a the girl think more positive as they can actually do the task at hand. I also like how you have such a positive way of looking at things.


  2. gem00106 says:

    Really great to hear that you had such a positive impact on that young girl, it may of seemed small to you but I am sure you’re encouragement meant the world to her. Keep up the great work – Gemma

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