My fifth week on placement involved me coaching the Smithycroft Secondary Basketball Team. I attended this club when I was a pupil at the school, so I was really looking forward to the opportunity to coach the current pupils and get to know the team.
When planning my session, I decided to focus the session on the lay-up shot. I considered the age and ability of the group – S1-S6 – and acknowledged that a lot of technical coaching points would be required for this skill in order to help the players learn. I felt confident about this as I have been coaching Basketball for a few years now and have several coaching qualifications in this sport.
The session went very well. I was able to identify the players who were struggling and walk them step by step through the skill but also, I acknowledged those who were confident in the skill so therefore challenged them to use their weaker hand. I feel this was very effective as all players were working on the lay up but at their stage of development and ability levels.
I organised a 5v5 match to finish the session. I highlighted to the team about applying what they had learned in the drills and practises into the game situation. To prompt the players to do so, I added a condition to the game – performing a lay up will get you 1 point and a scoring a lay up will get you 3 points. The reason for doing this was to encourage players to try the lay up even if they do not feel as confident or score from the skill. I believe that players will learn from their mistakes and will improve by performing the skill in a open/pressured environment.
I thoroughly enjoyed the session and I observed that the players displayed excellent behaviour, effort and attitude. Next week I will be attending a meeting with Glasgow Rocks Basketball Club with my mentor, Fraser to discuss future opportunities and partnerships with the school and the organisation. I am really looking forward to this!
Hi Stephanie,
This session seems good and the pupils would of benefited from it. It’s great you feel confident going into these sessions due to your experience you already have and I’m sure this comes across while you take the sessions. It is also good your meeting with the club and you mentor next week about future opportunities, I wish you all the best.
– Holly