PVG, finally.

Finally, my PVG came and the process is complete. I am starting my first coaching session tomorrow,  with P6 students at Riverside Primary school, from 3:30-4:30. This will be running for the next 6 weeks. I am extremely excited for this to get going.

Speaking to Craig, I am going to be taking the warm up and then progressing into a little game, with the venue being a sports hall.  Clicking the first of the hours I need to complete my placement is lifting the pressure of the delayed start.  As well as this, I’ll be trying to do all the available hours that I can, with needing to concentrate on multiple things, I’m going to try and get them done as soon as I can.

I’m grateful for the chance to be able to do something I may want to take further in terms of employment once I finish my degree. And again am extremely optimistic and excited about getting everything rolling tomorrow.


2 thoughts on “PVG, finally.

  1. ren00008 says:

    That’s great that you finally have your PVG and can now get started. The sessions you have planned sound like a lot of fun I am sure you will really enjoy them.
    – Rebecca

  2. amr00044 says:

    Glad to hear that everything seems to be falling into place for you Tom. It looks as though you have everything organised and ready to go so I hope that tomorrow goes well and that you’re able to write up about your experience!

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