Making a difference

On Monday I made my way back to Armadale Academy, it wasn’t smooth sailing with my train being delayed and missing my connection. I had to walk to the school from the station which is around 30 minutes (in the pouring rain!!) but I made it there and was excited for the day ahead. Mondays are a full 7 period day and so it’s always great to be constantly busy and doing things. It was Monday that I felt like I made a real difference with some of the pupils.

The last two weeks Hayley had been telling me about her Sport and Rec class (Leadership Development), she had spoken of how difficult it was for her to engage the class as it was made up of senior boys who were nearing there end of school and wanted a subject to “skive” in. The class were extremely disruptive, didn’t listen to instructions and would rarely participate in the work. She had not wanted me to assist with this lesson as she was worried it would put me off teaching. However these are the exact young people that I love to work with and you can make a real difference to.

She asked if I would help her with the facilitation of the lesson, I jumped at the opportunity! I must admit, it was very intimidating when I walked in, the pupils were swinging on there chairs, earphones in staring at there phones, throwing rubbers around the room, they completely ignored Hayley and I’s presence in the room. I took the first impression in my stride and didn’t take it personally. Hayley began the lesson and without giving me instructions I knew exactly what she needed from me. I made my way around the class facilitating discussions with the boys around “what is leadership?” and “what is a good leader?” It was really difficult to get the information out of them and it took a lot of “I dunno miss” and eye rolls but we got answers out of them, and good ones! Their class is a double period so the second period we went to the hall for a practical session where the boys deliver activities to one another, this was great to see them put there ideas into practice and I had the opportunity to give them feedback.

Within the nurture lunch time club I had began, the two original girls came to the department to ask for me as they had seen me in the corridors. We spoke about the goals that they had set for themselves and came up with short term goals to get them there. I made a suggestion that I could sit in on there PE lesson to make them feel more comfortable, so that has become an option for them.

The day passed so quickly and I had such a sense of achievement after I left, there is no better feeling that making a difference in a young persons life. I’m excited for next week and working further with the Sport and Rec class.

One thought on “Making a difference

  1. pag00038 says:

    It sounds like the pupils really enjoyed you being in their class and helping them. your mentor will love seeing them engage with you and work harder than usual.
    I love that you have created a nurture group, the pupils will really benefit from that.
    Well done

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