Week 1 at Raploch

Finally! My first week at Raploch Primary and I was up bright and early for my 6 hour day with a 9 o’clock start. In total, I helped out in 4 PE sessions that consisted of badminton, rounders, basketball, and rugby and a football session at a lunchtime club. Every single class was a learning experience that managed to challenge me in various different ways.

One session in particular that stood out today was the basketball session with the primary 6 class. Lauren and myself teamed up this week from lunchtime onwards and both agreed that this session was especially good. As this was both Lauren and I’s first time with this group, we decided to allow the kids to play games in a mini tournament made up of six teams. This was so that we could get a good idea of the standard before planning drills for future weeks. The primary 6 teacher that we were working with, had told us that in previous weeks the class had been working on teamwork and cooperation. With this information, I suggested to her that we put certain adaptations into each of the three games in order to keep her teamwork theme going.

In the first game, the kids were free to play with no adaptations. However, for the second and third games, we put rules in place that the kids had to make two passes before shooting and then progressing on to everyone in the team touching the ball before taking a shot. I thought that we would notice even a slight difference in the teamwork level between the first and last match, but we were pleasantly proven wrong as all of the children were trying to involve everyone throughout the full session.

I also decided to take part in all three matches, either because one team was a player short or just playing with the team that had possession. Personally, I found this very rewarding as this was my first session with this class and of my placement. So it was a great way to get involved with the kids and create relationships early on with this aspect of coaching but in a more playful manner. I was also given really positive feedback from both the teacher and the kids after this session when I asked if they enjoyed it.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable day meeting everyone and I am excited for the weeks ahead!


2 thoughts on “Week 1 at Raploch

  1. les00080 says:

    That’s great that you have got your placement underway! Firstly, i was very impressed with your idea suggesting that we should put certain adaptions in place to encourage our main aim; developing team working skills. Secondly, it was great to see you getting involved in the games at such an early stage enabling you to develop relationships with pupils. I really enjoyed working with you, Well done! – Lauren

  2. has00099 says:

    I understand how you feel about finally starting placement, I have been in the same position and finally started too, you must be relieved about that.
    I am glad from each of the sessions you have managed to learn something from it. Would like to good on you for suggestion ideas to keep the theme going, as I know that can be sometimes bit nerve wracking with just starting there.
    Hope you enjoy the rest of placement and keep doing what you doing, well done.
    – Holly

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