This week was finally the week in which I began my placement with Active Stirling. As mentioned previously, my first session was taking a P6 football session at Riverside Primary School.
I was in contact with Craig over the weekend to finalise the details and what was expected of me, I was taking the session with Gregor, who was extremely helpful throughout and made it much easier for me to settle into.
We began the session with a warm up, getting the kids excited and interacting with each other was key to getting them on board and comfortable with us both. After this, a number of drills, involving multiple skills, which I was pleasantly surprised with. The attitude of the children was excellent from start to finish, which again, made my job much easier. We got them into two teams to finish the session, getting everyone involved and running around! I was ‘forced’ to join in due to lack of numbers… giving me a chance to showcase my skillset with the ball, and not just when coaching. Unfortunately there was a number of players far better than me, being again a credit to the kids participating in the training session. This will be taking place every week for the next 6 weeks, at the same time. Making it a consistent opportunity for me to rack up much needed hours.
There is also events in which I can volunteer at and again as mentioned before, gain more hours towards the required 30.
I very positive week for me in terms of my placement at Active Stirling, looking forward to my next session on Monday.