week 2 on placement

On Tuesday I had my second week of placement at Smithycroft High School in Glasgow. I was excited to go back however was also nervous as I knew this was the week I was beginning to teach some of the classes that I had assisted in last week. I had planned my lessons so I was prepared forĀ  the day ahead, however was hoping that the pupils would be engaged and interested in what I was teaching them.

My first lesson was danceĀ  which made me feel at ease as I have taught dance for many years. This lesson was going really well until I added a move into the routine and one of the girls go upset as she felt that she couldn’t do it. I took her to the side and reassured her that she was capable of it and when through how it was done to help her be able to do it. After this two minute talk she seemed a lot more settled and joined back into class willing to give it a go and continue to learn. I was glad that she came around quickly and wanted to join back in.

My second lesson was Basketball with S4 core. Core classes can be harder to teach as it is mandatory for the students and they do not all enjoy PE. The class went well, we done a few dribbling drills and then moved onto conditioned games thinking about team work, the pupils responded very well to this and stayed engaged through the lesson.

My last teaching lesson was Gymnastics, this is again is a sport I am more familiar with, it was an S3 class I was teaching with 33 pupils so was a large class but again the class went very well. The pupils worked on routines both on the floor and on the vault and they managed to do very well. I was pleased with how this class went as there is some big characters in this class and they all worked hard.


It was overall a great day.

3 thoughts on “week 2 on placement

  1. has00099 says:


    It’s you have been organized for you placement, as you have each of your sessions planned and pre-paired before going into this sessions. This has paid of as each of your sessions have went well. Keep up the good work.
    – Holly

  2. cha00044 says:

    You seem like you have prepared well for your sessions at placement. It’s good to hear that you are getting some hands on experience with taking lessons. Hope you are looking forward to next week!

  3. sek00027 says:

    It is great that you are organised for each of your sessions on placement. I look forward to hearing about your next day on placement.


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