

Finally! I started my placement this week. I

went in to my old school 9-12 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday thus meaning I have competed 9 hours. I am happy to finally have started after so much delay. It is also a relief that each day has varied from the other meaning I will have a good amount of topics to cover in my presentation which if you read my previous posts is something I was worried about.

I’ll save most of the content of my placement but this is a brief over line of what the 3 days consisted of:

Monday 04/11:

Period 1 – swimming 1st years going through relay races using diff strokes

Period 2 – Swimming 2nd years practicing diving

Period 3 – dodgeball with 4th years

Wednesday 06/11

Period 1 – warm up hoop game working on team work/communication & basketball with 4 year national 5s

Period 2 – classroom how social factors impact performance with same 4Y N5s

Period 3 – Sport Ed class doing netball

Thursday 7/11

Period 1 – PE studies S3 Football

Period 2- Higher class Badminton working on training approaches combination drills then games

Period 3 – Rugby with S3

I noticed a lot of positive changes in the school compared to my time there. I will go into more details about these also.

I look forward to the coming weeks and will keep yous updated on my progress.

2 thoughts on “Finally!

  1. chf00013 says:

    Hi James

    This is great news that you have finally steadied. I bet it feels like a huge weight off your shoulders. It also looks like ty have had a great week of variety which is fantastic as it gets you lots of different experience relatively quickly. I look forward to hearing how the rest of your placement goes.


  2. rjs00010 says:

    that is great news, sounds like you’ve made you’r hours up really quick .
    sounds like a good mix of sports and actives as well.

    look forward to reading next week

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