work experience – week 7

Work experience – week 7


During week seven I have assisted at the third out of four archery classes at Fallin primary in Stirling.

Last week when during this class there was three of us taking the class so we each watched one of the three groups. My group last week was hard work, so I spent most of the time reiterating the health and safety standards and having to control them. This week was totally different because I was watching a different group who were more relaxed so instead of the focus just being on controlling them, I was able to help them with coaching points and try and help them improve.

It was quite interesting to see how different and more constructive I could be coaching wise as a result of having a less disruptive group. Last week it felt like all my focus was purely on controlling the group which was much more stressful and tiring whereas this week was much easier, and I was able to help with their technique.

I feel like I have probably done just over half of my thirty hours of placement so I am going to have to work hard to catch up on more hours before the end of the semester which will be hard to do because I’m juggling uni, work and rugby training. So look forward to the busy finish to the semester.

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