Final blog – Reflection

As I am only a few hours away from completing my placement I feel like it’s a good time to reflect not only on this experience but also my presentation and the module as a whole.

After so much hassle in getting my placement sorted it has definitely been worthwhile. I’ve reaped the rewards though as my confidence has increased due to the nature of working with large groups of pupils from a number of year groups. This was also beneficial as I was able to see how teachers cater to different concentration spans and levels of ability which was interesting. Furthermore during my time I was finding myself using skills that I had possibly not used since I done voluntary football coaching a few years ago. Overall I feel like the placement was a great experience as not only has it allowed me to work on my skills and develop as aforementioned but I’ve always aspired to be a PE teacher so I’m glad that I’ve enjoyed my placement this much. I am now more motivated that ever to make sure I achieve this goal which may be one of the most significant things to occur from this placement.

In terms of my presentation I feel like I was a bit unprepared as although I’ve been busy recently I could have used my time a bit better. I was also really nervous as for some reason I struggle with presentations despite being a confident outgoing person who is happy to contribute to group discussions etc. Therefore as you can guess I had an unconvincing start however as the presentation went on I began to feel more comfortable and my confidence grew. I took this as a consolation to my presentation not being the best but perhaps what was my most frustrating was that I missed out some important things I wanted to say as a result of nervousness throwing me off track. However I will learn from the da to be better prepared for my next one and hopefully in turn I will be do a bit better.

To conclude, I’ve really enjoyed the module as it’s gave me the platform to do my placement which has really benefited me while the presentation pushed me out my comfort zone and is something I will learn from. The seminars have also been helpful as a lot can be taken from them that being said though I think some could be done online.

4 thoughts on “Final blog – Reflection

  1. has00099 says:

    Glad you feel you have benefited from placement and enjoyed your time there. Good luck working towards your goal, I’m sure you will achieve it with the determination you have.
    – Holly Sheil

  2. ren00008 says:

    It sounds like your placement has been very beneficial for you in terms of confidence and developing your skills for PE teaching! Well done in successfully completing your placement.

  3. les00080 says:

    I am glad that your placement has been a success! It seems like this placement opportunity has been beneficial enabling you to develop multiple skills. Furthermore, I am sure your presentation went better than you expected! Its great that you have found your placement and the presentation worthwhile as they can highlight some strengths and weaknesses enabling you to maintain or improve in the near future. Well done! – Lauren

  4. amr00044 says:

    I’m happy that you feel as though this module has helped you in a lot of personal ways. I wouldn’t worry about your presentation, you almost always do better than what you think! Hopefully now PE teaching is something you can work towards in the future!

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