On Tuesday, we were required to carry out a 10 minute reflection presentation about our current placement. Due to PVG complications, I had only actually carried out 12 hours of my placement, so a lot of my presentation was about things to consider for the future.
With this being said, I was of course able to talk about my previous hours and some stand out experiences from them. Through these, I was also able to demonstrate what I had personally gained, learned and improved on in terms of skills and various coaching styles. It is surprising how much you can learn in such a short space of time!
At the beginning of my presentation, I felt the nerves begin to settle in which made me worry about the speed I was going talking at. However, the breathing exercises we had been taught about in our previous seminar really helped to combat this as I felt as though I kept a steady pace throughout. It was also difficult to try and avoid reading straight from my cards but hopefully I engaged enough with my peers in order to keep them in some what interested in what I had to say!
I wanted to hand out an example lesson plan so that my peers understood that I was mostly carrying out shadow work as I was still in the early stages of my placement. My mentor was happy to provide me with one to use and print off for everyone to have a look at.
My second hand out was some information about the Exercise Referral team and what they do. I wanted to use this as well as it ties in with what I want to do next year, so I wanted to provide a better understanding about the exercise stages they give to certain people and the classes that they offer as I was unable to talk extensively about it within my 10 minutes.
Overall, I think that the presentation went well and I really enjoyed talking about everything that I had learned so far and all my prospects for the future!
Although I wasn’t at your presentation, I feel giving out a hand out was a very smart idea as it physically showed your audience what you were doing during your placements.