Presentation week

This week I had to complete my 10 minute presentation talk in front of 5 classmates. Although the audience wasn’t very big I still felt very anxious about this, however when speaking to the other students they also felt the same.

Due to complications with my PVG I had only completed roughly 15 hours however I still had a lot to talk about during my presentation as it was all different clubs I was volunteering and being involved in.  I spoke about my placements such as play unified, Scottish disability sport and boccia festivals.

During my presentation I focussed on the positive aspects and also the negative aspects of all the different events and I also reflected back on what I would change for the future to help me in my careers.  I also spoke about the aims of Active Stirling, my personal aims and I also reflected back into my experiences and spoke about what I would change and why I would also change it.

I decided to volunteer first for my presentation group as I felt if I went last I would compare my to work to my classmates which would effect my anxiety and the way my presentation would flow. Although I was still anxious I was happy I went first as it meant that my 10/15 minutes of Hugh anxiety and nerves was over and I could now relax and listen to the rest of my classmates with no worries.

During the presentation I felt that the sheets we filled out helped as it gives you weaknesses that you can work on to improve your presentation skills and it also highlights what you done well which helps to boost your self confidence within presentations.

Although I still don’t feel 100% confident with speaking in front of groups doing presentations or public speaking, I feel that doing presentations in front of classmates frequently helps me to improve bit by bit.

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