Paige blog – starting placement



I am so glad to say that I have now started my placement. I had my first day on Tuesday and it went very well, the staff working in the school were very helpful and wanted to ensure I felt comfortable and settled in on my first day.


As my mentor was previously my PE teacher we already have a good relationship, she was very helpful in any way possible, she introduced me to everyone straight and showed me around the school. I feel that I am able to go to her with and question I have or if I need any help at all, this made me feel a lot better about going into placement on my first day as I knew she would be there if I needed her.

For the first period I was in with s3 boys badminton shadowing the teacher, period two I was again shadowing a teacher in badminton but this time with s4 mixed core class. Period three I was supposed to be in a theory period with a NAT 5 class however they ended up short staffed for their Nat 5 dance class, my mentor knows that I am a dance teacher and therefor asked me to take the class while the cover teacher watched. I was excited to take the class and do some teaching on my first day however I was nervous that that dancers didn’t enjoy their lesson as I wanted them to have a positive experience in my first class. However the dancers walked out excited and asked for me again next week, I was glad they enjoyed the class. Period 4 I shadowed in an s4 core basket ball, I was off period 5 and period 6 I was in with s3 gymnastics which I really enjoyed.


Over all all I am glad I’m not started and everything is going great.

4 thoughts on “Paige blog – starting placement

  1. cha00044 says:

    Its great to hear that you have finally started your placement. I know how you feel as I’ll only be starting on Wednesday. It seems like you have a positive relationship with your mentor which will make your placement a good experience for you. Also good to hear you got to teach a class and that you got on well with this.


  2. chf00013 says:

    Hi Paige

    So pleased to read that you have finally started your placement. I bet this has taken a weight off of your shoulders. It’s great that you were able to jump in and take a class. Sometimes I feel getting flung in at the deep tends to end up being the best sessions. It’s good development for future careers having to do things at short notice and think on your feet. I look forward to hearing how your placement goes next week.


  3. sek00027 says:

    It is great to hear you started your placement. I think it is good that you already know your mentor well as you will have already built a positive working relationship with them. I am happy to hear you enjoyed taking a class. I look forward to reading about your next day on placement.


  4. amr00044 says:

    It will be so beneficial that you already know your mentor and have this relationship with them. I know it would definitely make me feel more at ease about a lot of things. I’m glad that you have manged to start your placement and by the sounds of things, the kids really enjoy your sessions. Good luck for next week!

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