Blog Post (worth 10% of the overall module grade)

welcome에 대한 이미지 검색결과

Thank you for your patience. As Steve has kindly emailed you, a Blog for Sports Work Experience is now live. You are required to write a blog post on a weekly basis and comment on others’ posts (a minimum of one blog post and two comments on others’ per week) on Canvas. This will assist you in developing your reflective writing skills and completing your final report. Each post is basically about what you have done this week, what went well/bad, what skills/knowledge you have learned, what you would like to do next week, how you have developed a relationship with your colleagues and mentors, etc (approx 300-400 words). You are welcome to use some pictures relevant to what you write.

I would like you to start writing your post from Monday 30th September. I will check the first post that each of you uploads on Monday 7th October. So please make sure you upload your first post and make a comment on others’ posts by the end of next week, Sunday 6th October.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I look forward to reading your posts!