About the lab

How can we foster positive responses to uncertainty like excitement and curiosity, and reduce or cope better with negative responses like fear and anxiety?

Our research focuses on decision making under uncertainty in children and adults. We investigate the behavioural, cognitive, and emotional processes involved with responding to uncertain situations. We address this overarching topic from multiple angles including curiosity, adventurous play, risk taking, and counterfactual, hypothetical, and strategic reasoning. We also examine the attentional and executive processes that underpin these thoughts and behaviours, and the downstream effects of exposure and responses to uncertainty on learning and wellbeing.

Click here for more information about taking part in our research!


Dr Lily FitzGibbon

I am a Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Stirling. I investigate cognitive, behavioural and emotional responses to uncertain situations, including information seeking, decision making, and counterfactual thinking in children and adults.

Previous lab members 

Morana Mladić

I am an undergraduate psychology student at the University of Stirling. I am interested in pursuing a career in developmental research.

Virag Babics


I am a final year undergraduate psychology student. One of my favourite fields in psychology is developmental psychology, and I plan to work with children and young adults in my professional life.

Carys McKinney

I am an undergraduate student studying Psychology at Stirling. I have an interest in the psychological research process, particularly understanding what affects development and family dynamics in a range of situations.