Take part in research

We run studies in the Lifespan Lab at the University of Stirling, at events such as Stirling Science Festival, and in local schools and preschools. Please see below for any opportunities to sign up for a study directly.

Study name: How do we choose?

We are currently looking for participants for the spring holiday in February.  Child on wooden structure looking through binoculars

Who can take part?

Children between 4 and 8 years old.

What does taking part involve?

You (the parent) will complete a consent form and demographic information before your child takes part in the study. This study involves completing a short game on a computer. During the game, your child will make decisions or watch decisions being made. We may ask your child to make guesses about what will happen in the game. Your child might have the opportunity to seek more information about what happened in the game.

Where is it?

The research will take place in the Lifespan Research Lab at the University of Stirling. There is free parking on campus for up to two hours. Participation in this study should take no more than 30 minutes.

What else can I do while I’m there?

The University of Stirling campus is home to beautiful nature and family-friendly trail routes. Find more information here: https://www.stir.ac.uk/about/getting-here/getting-around-campus/campus-walks/

The MacRobert Arts Centre, located on the Stirling campus, offers a cinema, exhibitions, creative activities, and more. Find more information here: https://www.macrobertartscentre.org/

When can I take part?

You can book your slot using the booking form below. If you do not see any available time slots, please contact Lily Fitzgibbon on lily.fitzgibbon@stir.ac.uk.

Have more questions?

Send an email over to lily.fitzgibbon@stir.ac.uk

How do I sign up?

You can book an appointment to take part below. Before filling out this form, please review the privacy notice regarding the personal data you provide.


If you can’t find a time that suits you, please get in touch with Lily at lily.fitzgibbon@stir.ac.uk and we can try to find an additional time to take part.