
The role of Royal Lord-Lieutenant encompasses many different duties and responsibilities. It is a non-political role, appointed by the Queen at the advice of the First Minister of Scotland (with regards to the area of Stirling and Falkirk –other areas of Lieutenancy may follow a different appointment process) that seeks to promote a spirit of co-operation by encouragement of the voluntary services and benevolent organisations, and by taking an active interest in the business, industrial and social life of the area.

Chiefly, it is the Lord-Lieutenant’s role to act as a representative for the Royal Family, uphold the dignity of the Crown and to arrange and escort members of the Royal Family on any visits they make to the area of Lieutenancy. It is their duty to make sure that the Queen’s Private Office is informed of any relevant information pertaining to the area in which they are appointed.

As a liaison between local units of the Armed Services (The Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army, Royal Air Force and connected Cadet groups),the Royal Lord-Lieutenant is present as the Queen’s representative at military presentations. They can also be called upon to attend and participate at events within their area of Lieutenancy, such as the openings of community ventures, awards ceremonies and other relevant occasions.

In addition, they can present decorations and awards such as OBEs, MBEs and BEMs on behalf of the Royal Family, when necessary.

They can also officiate Citizenship Ceremonies.Their role also allows them to assess and support candidates for various awards to local people deserving of recognition for their contributions socially, culturally and civically to the community.

They act as a line of communication between the area of Lieutenancy and the Royal Family in order to arrange messages of congratulations for milestone birthdays and anniversaries (listed below).

Awards, honours and messages of congratulations:

  • The National Honours List
  • The Queen’s Award
  • Attendees at the Queen’s Annual Garden Party
  • 100th, 105th and all subsequent birthday congratulations messages
  • Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Platinum and all subsequent anniversaries congratulations messages
  • Queen’s Awards for Voluntary Service
  • Queen’s Awards for Enterprise
  • Queen’s Guide and Scout Awards

You can find more information and application forms for these awards and honours here.