
In recognition of the hard work of individuals all across the country, the Royal Family awards people for their contributions to society by means of the Queen’s Awards. The Royal Lord-Lieutenant plays a role in this accreditation, either by advising on the merit of nominees, distinguishing positive work in the community, or by assisting in the presentation of these awards.

The Queen’s Award for Enterprise

This award is for companies and businesses who excel in the following categories:

  • innovation
  • international trade
  • sustainable development
  • promoting opportunity through social mobility

To determine if your company is eligible for this award, more information can be found here.

The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

This award is open to voluntary groups of two or more people that have been active for over three years. It is the highest accreditation that voluntary groups in the U.K. can achieve. In order to be considered for the nomination, the group must:

  • provide a service and meet a need for people living in the local community
  • be supported, recognised and respected by the local community and the people who benefit from it
  • be run locally

To nominate a volunteer group for this award, navigate to the online application process on this website.

The Queen’s Guide Award

The Queen’s Guide Award is for Girlguides aged 16-25 who have shown passion, determination and commitment in their guiding activities. For information on the relevant goals that must be achieved to become eligible for the award, navigate to the Girlguide website.

The Queen’s Scout Award

The Queen’s Scout Award is for members of the Explorer Scouts or Scout Network aged 16-25 who have demonstrated their skill and ability in Scouting activities. For information on the relevant goals that must be achieved to become eligible for the award, navigate to the Scout website.


For advice or guidance in applying for or nominating someone you know for one of the Queen’s Awards, please get in touch for more information. Contact information can be found here.