In a Scottish first, all NHS health and social care staff will receive a one-off £500 bonus as a thank you for their efforts in tackling COVID-19.
The First Minister made the announcement during her SNP annual conference speech where she thanked health workers for their “incredible sacrifice” during the pandemic and promised there were “no strings attached” to the payment.

The Scottish Government is giving £500 to all NHS staff
Sturgeon said: “A payment like this can never come close to expressing our full admiration for those who have cared for us so heroically.
“To our health and care workers, it is a demonstration of what we collectively owe you, and a heartfelt thank you for the sacrifices you have made.”
She added: “Those who have worked in our hospitals and care homes, caring for the sick and dying, at the sharpest end of the COVID trauma, deserve recognition now.”
There have been 3,749 reported deaths due to COVID-19 in Scotland since March 11 of whom were health and social care workers. The payment is to be made in this financial year with part time workers also receiving a bonus proportionate to their hours worked.
In a move which has caused controversy amongst opposition leaders, the First Minister also challenged the UK Government to commit to making the payment tax free.
She said: “Because we don’t control the full tax and benefits system, we don’t have the power to make this payment tax free.
But Prime Minister, you do. So I am asking you this: please allow our health and care heroes to keep every penny of Scotland’s thank you to them. Do not take any of it away in tax.”
Tax experts have warned that the lowest paid workers could lose up to 75% of the bonus through deductions from universal credit and other welfare payments.
A similar payment in Wales to all social workers at the start of May was taxed after the UK Government argued the Welsh Government had their own tax raising powers and should set the payment at a high enough level to cover the tax take. A similar argument is now being made in Scotland.
Tory leader Douglas Ross questioned why the Scottish Government chose to announce the payment in their conference speech, rather than a few weeks ago when the UK Chancellor was announcing the UK budget.
Responding to the announcement, he said: “Businesses and workers will be left wondering why they held off until the SNP conference to finally get the money out the door on announcements that should have been made weeks ago.”
The Scottish Government now face accusations that they have set up an impossible challenge to the UK Government who have not budgeted for the tax-free payment.
Richard Leonard, the Labour leader, said the bonus “couldn’t make up for the pay restraint which has been imposed on the health and social care sector by Conservative and SNP ministers.”
At the conference, the First Minister also announced a £100 million plan to tackle “winter poverty,” with the payment going to families to help cover fuel, food, and other costs at Christmas.
Image Credit: The Scotsman, Catholic Ireland
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