Public Relations Review has a lot of articles about digital media and public relations in print at the moment. These articles have not yet been officially published but you can access them through the library.
And a new term to me – DSM (digital, social and mobile) media.
- Avidar, R., Ariel, Y., Malka, V., & Levy, E. C.Smartphones, publics, and OPR: Do publics want to engage? Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Brummette, J., & Fussell Sisco, H.Using twitter as a means of coping with emotions and uncontrollable crises. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Demirhan, K., & Çakır-Demirhan, D.Gender and politics: Patriarchal discourse on social media. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- DiStaso, M. W., Vafeiadis, M., & Amaral, C.Managing a health crisis on facebook: How the response strategies of apology, sympathy, and information influence public relations. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Duhé, S.An overview of new media research in public relations journals from 1981 to 2014. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Einwiller, S. A., & Steilen, S.Handling complaints on social network sites – an analysis of complaints and complaint responses on facebook and twitter pages of large US companies. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Frame, A., & Brachotte, G.Le tweet stratégique: Use of twitter as a PR tool by french politicians. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Hajtnik, T., Uglešić, K., & Živkovič, A.Acquisition and preservation of authentic information in a digital age. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Housholder, E., & LaMarre, H. L.Political social media engagement: Comparing campaign goals with voter behavior. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Kaur, K.Social media creating digital environmental publics: Case of lynas malaysia. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Linke, A., & Oliveira, E.Quantity or quality? the professionalization of social media communication in portugal and germany: A comparison. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Lovari, A., & Parisi, L.Listening to digital publics. investigating citizens’ voices and engagement within italian municipalities’ facebook pages. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Maiorescu, R.Public relations for the bereaved: Online interactions in a community for stillbirth and neonatal death charity. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Moreno, A., Navarro, C., Tench, R., & Zerfass, A.Does social media usage matter? an analysis of online practices and digital media perceptions of communication practitioners in europe. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Neill, M. S., & Moody, M.Who is responsible for what? examining strategic roles in social media management. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Ott, L., & Theunissen, P.Reputations at risk: Engagement during social media crises. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Ozdora-Aksak, E.An analysis of turkey’s telecommunications sector’s social responsibility practices online. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Ozdora-Aksak, E., & Atakan-Duman, S. The online presence of turkish banks: Communicating the softer side of corporate identity. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Poloski Vokic, N., & Vidovic, M. Managing internal digital publics: What matters is digital age not digital nativity. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Seiffert, J., & Nothhaft, H.The missing media: The procedural rhetoric of computer games. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Valentini, C. Is using social media “good” for the public relations profession? A critical reflection. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Veil, S. R., Reno, J., Freihaut, R., & Oldham, J. Online activists vs. kraft foods: A case of social media hijacking. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Veinberg, S. Digital native’s attitude towards news sources. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Verčič, D., Verčič, A. T., & Sriramesh, K. Looking for digital in public relations. Public Relations Review, (0) doi:
- Wan, S., Koh, R., Ong, A., & Pang, A. Parody social media accounts: Influence and impact on organizations during crisis. Public Relations Review, (0) doi: