
The Space Between us…

o postWelcome to the blog for our inter-institutional undergraduate photography competition ! The competition runs until the end of November and is organised by the Department of Modern Languages at Liverpool University and the Division of Literature and Languages here at Stirling.

As students and teachers of languages and cultures, we’re used to critical and physical distance from the places and languages we study. But we’re not used to being distanced from each other as we learn and teach. The importance of connecting in this space between us has inspired this photography competition. The hope is that students who are studying apart will be share this new language learning experience visually.

For the competition, we would like Stirling students to post an image to our blog that captures, with originality and visual impact, the experience of studying languages and culture during the pandemic. You can add a caption if you like (max. 15 words). Liverpool students will do the same in their institution. At the end of the month, staff here in Stirling will make a selection of the best photographs submitted by their students and ask Liverpool to choose an overall winner. Liverpool will do the same. There will be prizes of books and book vouchers for the winners (some runner-up prizes will also be available).

To post your photo,  log in using your university account, click on ‘new’ on the top menu bar, and create a new post to submit. Any problems, email:

For more important information on submission rules Continue reading The Space Between us…