A Royal Visit is an exciting occasion that takes precise planning to ensure the day runs as smoothly as possible. Every year, the Queen and other members of the Royal Family carry out an estimated 3,000 engagements. Such engagements include visits to schools, factories, galleries, military units, hostels, and other British and Commonwealth organisations. They may open events and buildings, give speeches, unveil plaques, and meet local people and organisations.
It is the prime duty of the Lord-Lieutenant to arrange and escort all Royal visits in the Falkirk and Stirling area.
Requesting a Royal Visit
There are thousands of requests sent to the Royal family each year to ask for a Royal visit, and each invitation is given careful consideration.
- Although a member of the public may send an invitation directly to the Household, it is recommended that the invitation to be sent to the Household from the Lord-Lieutenant of Stirling and Falkirk if it is within the Lieutenancy area. Please contact the Clerk to the Lieutenancy’s Office if you are planning an event at which you are seeking the presence of a member of the Royal family.
- The Lord-Lieutenant considers all invitations received so it is important that invitations include full details of the event with some background information to assist with the process. The Lord-Lieutenant, if he believes the event would be appropriate for a Royal visit, sends an invite direct to a specific member of the Royal Household.
- It is important that invitations are sent as early as possible, with a minimum of 6 months before the date of the intended Royal visit.
- The Royal Household responds to all invitations. If they are unable to accept, it is possible that the invitations could be sent to another member of the Royal Family as suggested by the Lieutenancy Office.
- If an acceptance is issued it will be sent directly to the applicant, and the Royal Household will also inform the Lord-Lieutenant. It is essential the planned Royal visit is kept confidential until the programme is finalised.
- The Lieutenancy Office will then be able to offer advice and guidance on the planning process to ensure the visit is as successful as it can be.
You can browse the most recent Royal visits to the Falkirk and Stirling area: