Reflections week 3&4

Week 3

It was interesting to see how a lot of nations that became decolonised were still heavily influenced by the countries/empires that invaded them in the first place. For example, America started to emulate Britain by meddling in the affairs of other countries and tried to manipulate them, such as in the “Banana Wars” in the late 19th century/early 20th century. Thinking about how “white” our education system is was quite difficult as I’ve no other experiences with other curriculums . I can believe that it is most likely very white as the Northern Irish system has been described as very protestant biased with what they teach so its not a stretch to think its the same when talking about colonisation and how biased it is towards Europeans.

Week 4

Week 4 was a little less thought provoking for me and felt more like a warning going forward with the module and when we get round to writing assignments. There is a full list of terms to describe indigenous communities and each community has different preferences as to which one they identify with and to what terms they take great offence to being called. Therefore I feel like it was a clear warning that I need to start being cautious when handling the subject matter the module deals with as to not mislabel or misidentify the different communities.

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