Week 12

It took me quite a while to decide whether I wanted to keep my old journal entries untouched. In the end, I have decided to slightly polish them but keep my train of thought the way it was when I was first writing them. I believe that way it could be more visible how my… Continue Reading Week 12

Week 11

During the last week with a set reading material, we discussed the black hair movements. Because I cannot completely relate to the topic of black hair or the importance of hair in a spiritual sense, I have decided to concentrate more on theopoetics. Black hair movements served as a form of emancipation from an enforced… Continue Reading Week 11

Week 10

During this week we have talked about the Hijra community in India. It was one of the most if not the heaviest topics of the whole module. One of the reasons why it was difficult for me to watch abuse and mistreatment in the documentaries was its contemporary element and how this all is happening… Continue Reading Week 10

Week 9

This week was incredibly interesting in relation to what we have done in previous weeks. What appealed to me the most was the necessity to view gender as a spectrum and not as a binary. After all, gender does not exist as something separate from other aspects that make people the individuals they are –… Continue Reading Week 9

week 8

The topic of week eight was one of those I was looking forward to the most. It greatly expanded my horizons, mostly by connecting the image of Lilith (or its change) to feminism and the contemporary world in general. From the 1970s onwards Lilith is viewed as a woman that does not fit within the… Continue Reading week 8

week 7

This week’s topic had a more contemporary turn – compared to last week where Jennifer Knust was discussing already existing stories, this week we studied Heather Walton who creates her own. Heather Walton is an incredible female theologian who wrote Not Eden, a spiritual autobiography. I believe that it is incredibly important to create new stories… Continue Reading week 7

Week 5

Last week we have learned that because of colonialism, the western Christian mindset spread over the colonized world. This then implemented the view of gender binaries. Drawing on this information we begin to explore this idea in more detail. Specifically, the representation of women in religious texts and environments. Because westernized Christian societies tend to… Continue Reading Week 5

week 4

Considering the theme of the whole module, this week’s topic is one of the most important ones. It implements the factors of critical religion – if we want to understand the whole picture, then we need to know the historical relevance and progress of the discipline[1] – and connects it to gender. If there is… Continue Reading week 4

Week 3

I have been trying to figure out how to better understand the learning journal, I was mostly trying to concentrate on questions from the lecture material, but I am starting to realize I should concentrate more on the parts that had a greater impact on me, which are usually those I can relate to in… Continue Reading Week 3

Week 2

Post-structuralism is said to reveal that the gender and sexuality binary system is socially constructed. Everything an individual does is connected to social norms: society teaches us how to behave which means specific behaviours are associated with specific genders. Social norms then contribute to wider power relations that are then presented in politics – a… Continue Reading Week 2