SPSU9W6 – Sports Work Experience (Spring 2020)

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Ross Alexander – Blog Post 6

on April 12, 2020

In my last blog post I mentioned I had some concerns regarding the presentation assignment, particularly due to the fact I had spent so little time actually on placement. However, I was pleasantly surprised with the grade I received and the encouraging feedback from Romie. This has given me confidence that I will still be able to complete the final report to a high standard despite unfortunately not having the opportunity to see my placement through to completion. Currently I am trying to organise the supporting documentation for the final report, however I have yet to start writing the report as I am trying to focus on completing my dissertation project.


I have found the past couple of weeks tiring as my work schedule has changed to accommodate the changing environment created by the Covid-19 pandemic. I am now working more nightshifts which I find draining and am often up early on my days off to take care of our 16 week old puppy, who routinely likes to chew all my possessions and then look at me as though I’m being unreasonable as I attempt to pry what may or may not have previously been one of my slippers out of his mouth. But it’s good to be busy and have company while all this is going on.


It feels strange to be coming to the end of my time at Stirling, particularly under these circumstances, but I’ve enjoyed the experience I have had. I’m glad to have had the chance to have taken this module at this point of the course as it has helped prepare me for finding work in the world of sport upon leaving uni. I consider myself lucky to have had the opportunity to work with active Stirling, Dunblane High School and with Romie throughout this module.


I hope everyone else is keeping well and wish you good luck in the future!

One Response to “Ross Alexander – Blog Post 6”

  1. hh15 says:

    Thank you Ross. I am glad you have a good company! I am sure you will be a good asset to a company/organisation where you work for. Well done. -Romie

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