This has been another frustrating week for myself and my work placement. After recieving back pvg’s and being all clear to go, I was due to start a cricket club after school in Riverside primary on the Tuesday, something I was beyond excited for. On monday evening I had a breif phone call with Craig to discuss what the plans were, and this just got me more keen to get on with it. However the next morning i recieved a text saying there were limited sign ups so it was just cancelled. I actually struggled to hide my dissapointment as the prospect of increasing crickets reach and helping provide more children the opportunity to try it was something I was extremely keen for.
Since then I have been talking to Craig to try and come up with other solutions, one of which is a Basketball club in the Raploch community center, which also sounds like a good option as it is a sport I used to play a bit. However this is only for 30 mins a week. The Second option proposed by Craig however clashes with clashes and my other coaching commitments at the University. So at the moment I am struggling to figure out how to complete 30 hours, considering that I was unable to start anything until PVG came back and now the issues with the cricket club.
Unfotunatley I feel that this work experience is following a pattern with the previous module I undertook, but hopefully there is time to turn it around!
On a more positive note Craig has sent over some other opportunites in the local area, which are all multi school events or something of the sort. This is something I am interested in as I see sports developemnt and inclusion as a field I would like to get into, and hopefully this can help me get closer to the target.
Hopefully the upcoming week bears more fruitful and I can start an experience where I can make a positive impact on others, and gain from it myself.
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