As you know due to coronavirus the university has been closed. This has been a really strange time and it is important that we all try to be safe under these circumstances.
Luckily for myself though I had already completed my 30 hours of placement so didn’t have to worry about how COVID-19 would effect this, which I know some of the people in this module may have been stressing over. I completed my powerpoint presentation slides after our seminar on presentation skills so I had plenty of time to look over it to practice for our face to face presentations.
I am a key worker during this global pandemic therefore I am glad I was so organised as we could no longer do this face to face, so I set aside some time between work and trying to complete my dissertation and began practising my voice-overs for each slide. I found this difficult to begin with as their was loads of background noise (Family & dog being home) but eventually managed to get a decent enough recording. I thought it was good that we could do it one slide at a time because I noticed with the longer slides I began to rush what I was saying or slip up somehow, so it was good when this happened that I didnt need to re-record the full slideshow.
I have recently contacted my placement mentor to fill in my final placement tracker to show I have completed the 30 hours to add to my appendices for our final essay, although haven’t had much luck yet – possibly because the schools are closed but I will continue to try.
Overall, I have really enjoyed this module and getting some real-life experience in what it is like to teach P.E in a high school as I’ve only ever taught primary school children. I have been able to enhance my skill set and have fun while doing so.
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