New Radio Prize

Managing Director of Mediaspec, Eric Joseph, presents Euan with his prize.

Eric Joseph presents Euan Simpson with his prize

Congratulations to Euan Simpson, this year’s winner of the Mediaspec Radio Prize.  This new prize is awarded to the individual best 4th year radio student and takes account of both group production work an individual  essays.  Euan achieved first class grades in both his radio drama and documentary modules. He was presented with a fabulous audio software bundle on 6th May from Eric Joseph, Managing Director of Mediaspec. Congratulating Euan, Eric said he was very happy to be able to present the prize in person: “Stirling University has established an impressive reputation for developing talented students and we are delighted to be able to support those students. We hope that the software and interface prize will help Euan go from strength to strength in his audio engineering abilities.”


You can listen to this year’s student radio work here at The Audio Seen and also on Resonance FM on 1st and 2nd June when we have a whole hour to showcase documentaries, dramas and features.