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Individual PDP

Using this template in your personal blog site provides you with an opportunity to reflect on your engagement with Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in relation to the student learning experience as well as critically exploring how CPD has impacted on your practice. You are encouraged to use this PDP blog as a way to explore the different facets of your practice and how these will allow you to demonstrate your engagement across the relevant dimensions and descriptors of the UKPSF for your application through SFELTE.  The contents of this blog site will be required for your discussions with your mentor and the Academic Development team, as well as supporting you in writing your application to SFELTE.

CPD engagement (eg, event, title and date; reading material; online resource).


In what ways does this CPD relate to you and your context? Thinking about your students, their learning experiences, your own academic practices etc.


UKPSF dimensions (A: areas of activity, K: core knowledge and V: professional values) addressed through your engagement.

Rationale for selecting these dimensions.


UKPSF Descriptors addressed (these are included in the UKPSF documentation and will form the basis of the review of your application).


In what way did your engagement in this CPD make you think differently about your practices? Will you make changes to practice resulting from engaging with this CPD? Why?


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