Final Reflection

Please reflect on your progress with the dissertation to date and put up a short post of between 250 and 500 words in which you consider:

a) What have been the major obstacles you have faced in putting a research project together?

b) What strategies have you adopted to overcome these obstacles?

c) What has this taught you about approaching your dissertation?

d) Which aspects of the 9X6 module have been the most useful in helping you get your project ready to start?

Guides to Methodology for historians

Dear All

A few years ago, the Higher Education Academy’s History Subject Centre, based at the University of Warwick, published a series of guides to Sources in Historical Research

Sadly only three were published before the funding for the subject centre was cut (!), but these may be useful to you, if you are planning to use:

  1. Newspapers
  2. Oral History
  3. Quantitative Sources (statistics, etc)

in your project

These can be accessed here


9X6 – Week 3

I would like you to publish a 500-word annotated bibliography of primary and secondary sources you might like to use in your dissertation. Use the tools you learned about in the mini-lecture from Helen Beardsley and write a reflection of how you found the sources and how you might use them in a dissertation. Apply relevant insights from this week’s readings.  Click here to see this guidance about how to do an annotated bibliography produced by the University of Leeds.

Please make sure you’ve uploaded your post by 7th February



Welcome to the Blog for HISU9X6

Please use this blog to post your responses to lecture and readings, your plans for your dissertations and any useful information that you would like to share with your supervisors and peers. I will read these and invite comments or comment myself if appropriate. It is a good way to try out ideas and get responses before having formal feedback from tutors/

First of all, please introduce yourself: Tell us where you are from, what sort of history or heritage dissertation you are currently thinking of doing and how you’ve been coping with distance learning?