Coming to Scotland to Study
In the following section, Dr Hadijah Mwenyango will share a few tips for moving and living in Scotland based on a personal reflective account.
Scottish Geography
The geography of Scotland is varied, from rural lowlands to unspoilt uplands, and from large cities to sparsely inhabited islands. It is in Northern Europe and makes up the northern third of the island of Great Britain. The land area of Scotland is 30,090 square miles (77,900 km2) & it has a population of 5,479,900 (Scot Gov, 2021). The climate is temperate but very changeable.
Health Care System
Healthcare in Scotland is mainly provided by Scotland’s public health service, NHS Scotland.
Here, you can access Scottish Health Information via the NHS Inform website. It will be necessary for you to register with a General Practitioner (GP) once you arrive in Scotland: Registering with a GP Practice
The Times Higher Education has produced a guide to the NHS for international students
Scotland uses the British pound with the symbol £ and the currency code GBP. There are 100 pence in each pound. Make sure you use a debit card without foreign transaction fees or ATM withdrawal fees.
Getting to your University
Scottish Universities are located both in large cities and in more rural areas. Some areas have excellent public transport links and others can be a little more difficult to get around without a car. You can find out more about public transport via the Transport Scotland website.
Your University will provide specific information about location and transport links.
Your first point of contact for advice on finding accommodation will be your University. Universities have accommodation in Halls of Residence and flats which students can rent. Citizens Advice for Scotland also provide information on finding a home to rent
Scottish Culture
Scotland is famous for bagpipes, haggis, the kilt, Hogmanay, the biggest arts festival in the world and its national poet, Robert Burns. You can find out more about Scotland, its culture and traditions here; Scottish Culture & Traditions
Here is a link to a Scotland Info Guide primarily aimed at tourists visiting Scotland but may also be of interest to you: https://www.scotlandinfo.eu/scotland-links-directory/
Scotland is also a country whose citizens experience social problems and challenges in their lives. The country has areas of high social deprivation, drug use and poverty.
Over one million people still live in poverty in Scotland, with nearly half of those (490,000) living in very deep poverty JRF, 2023). The Joseph Rowntree Foundation published a report on Poverty in Scotland, 2023 which you can read here: https://www.jrf.org.uk/report/poverty-scotland-2023
The Scottish Government has launched a Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2022-26: https://www.gov.scot/news/tackling-child-poverty-delivery-plan-2022-26/
Overview of the legal system
Scotland is distinctive from the rest of the UK in terms of its legislation, policy and practice. Scotland is represented by Members of Parliament at the Parliament of the United Kingdom. In 1997 the people of Scotland voted for a devolved Scottish Parliament which has the power to govern the country on a range of matters. This means that the legislative framework for Social Work in Scotland is different from that for England & Wales.
Useful Links
Visa: you can read more about immigration policies on the official website of the UK government or consult with your respective educational institution.
Live music events in Scotland can be found on the Gigs in Scotland website
Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2023) Poverty in Scotland 2023 Available: Poverty in Scotland 2023 | JRF (Accessed 29.11.23)
Scottish Government (2019) Population Statistics, Available: statistics.gov.scot | Scotland (Accessed 17.11.23)
Here is a list of fiction films that give insight into aspects of modern Scottish society, culture and issues:
Restless Natives (1985) by Michael Hoffman
Trainspotting (1996) by Danny Boyle
Ratcatcher (1999) by Lynne Ramsay
The Angels’ Share (2012) by Ken Loach
Sunshine on Leith (2013) by Dexter Fletcher