9X6 – Week 3

I would like you to publish a 500-word annotated bibliography of primary and secondary sources you might like to use in your dissertation. Use the tools you learned about in the mini-lecture from Helen Beardsley and write a reflection of how you found the sources and how you might use them in a dissertation. Apply relevant insights from this week’s readings.  Click here to see this guidance about how to do an annotated bibliography produced by the University of Leeds.

Please make sure you’ve uploaded your post by 7th February


5 thoughts on “9X6 – Week 3”

  1. Annotated bibliography
    Title: Channel Islands occupation heritage, memory and identity portrayed in the present

    Secondary sources

    Macdonald, S. (2013) Memorylands: heritage and identity in Europe today. London: Routledge.

    This book can help me understand the nature of heritage and memory as well as how the past is understood in Europe today. It looks at the ‘difficult’ past, commemoration, and the future of the past discusses how Europe became a ‘memoryland’ and what material reminders of the past such as heritage sites or museums exist. It will be important for me to understand these aspects in order to reflect on them for the Channel Islands.

    Carr, G. (2014) Legacies of Occupation: Heritage, Memory and Archaeology in the Channel Islands. 1st . ed. Springer International Publishing.

    Carr reports on how the legacy of the German occupation on the Channel Islands has been turned into heritage or whether it has been neglected. It will be helpful as it examines the journey of occupation heritage, looking at each Island generation and the change in perception of what was left behind by the Germans. This is a valuable source for my research, as it can be used for a literature review. It can show how and why the Islands have reacted and responded in the way they did.

    Jorgensen-Earp, C. (2013) Discourse and Defiance under Nazi Occupation: Guernsey, Channel Islands, 1940-1945. 1st . ed. Michigan State University Press.

    This book explores various diaries written by Islanders during the occupation, looking at their experience and understanding the resistance. It will provide a better understanding of the occupation period on the Island.

    Carr, G., 2012. Examining the memorialscape of occupation and liberation: A case study from the Channel Islands. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 18(2), pp.174-193.

    This article explores the concept of ‘memorialscape’ in order to study the relationship of memorials within a landscape or environment. It especially focuses on how the role of memorials in the Channel Islands has changed over time, the difference between the memorialscape of Guernsey and Jersey as well as the importance of memorial. This article will contribute to answering my dissertation in the way that it might provide reasons for what is still being remembered today by looking at the process of commemoration that the Channel Islands went through after the occupation.

    Primary sources

    Mahy, M. (1993) There is an occupation. 1st . ed. Guernsey Press.

    This book is recapturing the occupation on Guernsey through the eyes of two Islanders and is a personal point of view on the occupation time. Even though it is not my main focus to analyse the occupation period and how that affected the Islanders it will still help to understand the impact the occupation had on them further as well as the legacy that it left for the future.

    Heritage, J. (2021) Jersey Heritage – Discover our Island story.
    JerseyHeritage.org. Available: https://www.jerseyheritage.org/ [Accessed: 31 January 2021].

    Jersey Heritage is a platform that offers research resources such as archives, trails and online exhibitions on the occupation, liberation, and resistance. This will be used to evaluate how the occupation period on Jersey is portrayed nowadays through exhibitions, films and liberation day. It will also be compared to museums on Guernsey to find out how or if the memory there differs to the one on Jersey. It can answer question such as what memory is being remembered and what is being forgotten.

  2. Fascinating – do you think that these heritage initiatives have overturned the very selective ‘official’ history by those such as Charles Cruikshank? Do these merely complement or challenge traditional histories?

    1. Hi Sophie,
      You’ve made a great start with this annotated bibliography. In terms of theory and method, Sharon Macdonald’s work is key. I also recommend Laurajane Smith’s book, Uses of Heritage. Chapter 1 expains how discourse analysis can be applied to heritage, which might be useful to you. But I particularly recommend Chapter 2, which summarises theories of memory, identity and place in relation to heritage.
      I have just sent comments on further sources and methods to include in your dissertation outline (by email). Keep up the good work!

  3. Annotated Bibliography

    Primary Sources:

    “Bank of Scotland” Dundee Courier, Thursday 4th April, 1946.

    This article contributes to the contrasting methodology I’m using to write my dissertation. It is prevalent in this article that women are welcomed back into the workplace after World War II and their previous service is recognised and appreciated. This article has contributed to my understanding that women did return or remain in the workplace after World War II ended and were welcomed.

    “House and Home” Hull Daily Mail, Thursday 14th November, 1918.

    In contrast to women being welcomed in the workplace after World War II, this article which was published after World War I is pledging to women to stay home. Women receive a small appraisal but the main focus of the article is that women have to go home to heal their household. Furthermore, it is stated in the article that a woman can no longer play her role in the workplace now the men have returned, she should return home.

    Secondary Sources:

    Reed, Stacey. “Victims or Vital: Contrasting Portrayals of Women in WWI British Propaganda.” (2014): 81-92.

    This article contributes to my contrasting approach of emphasising the difference of women’s propaganda in World War I and World War II. Stacey highlights that between 1914 and 1918 propaganda portrayed women in two main personas. Either a helpless damsel in distress or a vital part of Britain’s war economy.

    Carruthers, Susan L. “‘Manning the Factories’: Propaganda and Policy on the Employment of Women, 1939–1947.” History 75, no. 244 (1990): 232-256.

    In contrast to World War I propaganda, in World War II female aimed propaganda was much more emancipated. There were various female mobilisation propaganda schemes such as films portraying women as nurses, airwomen and playing a vital role in industrial employment emphasising the efficiency of women in the workplace. This female aimed propaganda was on a much bigger scale in the 1940s in contrast to female propaganda in World War I.

    Pyecroft, Susan. 1994. “British Working Women and the First World War.” The Historian 56 (4): 699.

    Pyecroft highlights that despite women’s effort in the workplace in World War I, women either returned to the home after the war or were downgraded to traditional women’s jobs such as textiles. Furthermore, Pyecroft highlights that the percentage of women working by 1921 was lower than the percentage of working women in 1911.

    Ward, Barbara. “Women in Britain.” Foreign Affairs 22, no. 4 (1944): 561-76.

    In contrast, Ward highlights that World War II created a recognition and a need for women’s work in Britain. This is a valuable source for my research as Ward elaborates on women’s education and socialising throughout World War II which are potential topic sentences I would like to look further into in the process of my dissertation.

  4. Scotland’s Coastal Heritage Management

    • Hassan, Maya, Hui Xie, and SpringerLink. Climate Change and Conservation of Coastal Built Heritage. 2020th ed. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

    This book contains current information about heritage sites and buildings threatened by environmental challenges and outlines various conservation and management methods to tackle them. Although the book does not use specific examples from Scotland, the concepts and issues discussed are applicable to coastal heritage sites anywhere and I believe it to be a valuable resource for my research.

    • Dawson, Tom, Courtney Nimura, Elías López-Romero, and Marie-Yvane Daire, eds. Public Archaeology and Climate Change. Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2017.

    This book contains a collection of papers from specialists and experts around the world, including Tom Dawson from the University of St Andrews who manages SCAPE which works with volunteers to research, assess and record the archaeology of Scotland’s eroding coastal heritage. The 18 papers included in the book use case studies to demonstrate how collaborative working and engaging with the public to raise awareness of heritage destruction and the results they achieved through this. There is a common and relevant theme running throughout many of the papers, that is the archaeologists are bringing society into discussion and debate about threatened heritage. The different viewpoints within this collection will be very useful in building a wide understanding of the various methods of heritage protection including new and innovative projects.

    • Allsop, Graham, Elinor Louise, Joanna Hambly, and Thomas Christopher Dawson. 2017. “Scotland’s Eroding Heritage: A Collaborative Response to the Impact of Climate Change,” November. doi:10.17863/CAM.23645.

    This paper explains how Scotland’s coastal heritage sites have been assessed, prioritised for action and managed by SCHARP (Scotland’s Coastal Heritage at Risk Project) through government funded coastal assessment surveys. Over 12,000 heritage sites were recorded throughout the project with the help of volunteers and locals and part of the project was accepting that some sites will be lost to erosion, so different ways of preserving heritage had be to used, for example digitally recording and excavating sites. This is a useful resource for understanding the specific issues relating to Scotland’s heritage at risk, with detailed insight into the work of one of the biggest projects to date for coastal heritage.

    • Day, Jon, Scott Heron, Adam Markham, Jane Downes, Julie Gibson, Ewan Hyslop, Rebecca Jones and Alice Lyall. “Climate risk assessment for Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Property: An application of the Climate Vulnerability Index”. Historic Environment Scotland, Edinburgh. 2019.

    This report was commissioned by leading heritage organisation Historic Environment Scotland (HES) to describe the outcomes of a workshop using new methodology in assessing climate impacts on historic sites, called the Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI). The CVI methodology is in pilot phase and Skara Brae was one of the sites chosen to test it, supported by leading heritage and climate change organisations in Scotland. I believe this report and further related reading could contribute to recommended next steps in my research project, as something for HES to adopt across many of its vulnerable sites.

    • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Appraisal of flood and coastal
    erosion risk management: A Defra policy statement. London: 2009.

    This document outlines the UK Government policies and strategic framework for flood and coastal erosion risk management throughout England. This document could be used in comparison against Scottish policies and framework to build a stronger research project.

    • Adcock, C. “How current scenarios for coastal erosion have affected the conservation and management of the historic environment”, Conservation Studies, Historic Buildings, (2017).
    Adcock uses a variety of case studies to assess how historic assets are being managed with the increasing impacts of coastal erosion and discusses the key policies in place to support their conservation. This essay could be useful in developing my understanding of the key current issues facing historic asset management.

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