Re-drafting: Analysing the Whole Case-Study

Analysing your draft with coloured pens is a good way to see the balance of impact, pathways and evidence across the template.

You can follow this workshop using your own ICS draft. However, it is more effective to work in pairs and first analyse your partner’s ICS draft; then swap and discuss…

Colour-coding the case-study content

Task 1

Print out the draft case-study on single sides of paper (do not staple)

Task 2

Read the draft and highlight the following (using the colours):

  • statements that something changed – PINK
  • statements explaining how the change happened – BLUE 
  • statements describing the real-world issue – YELLOW
  • statements evidencing the impact claims – GREEN

Task 3

Lay the pages of the draft out and ‘read’ what the colours are telling you…For example,

  • If the impact section has more blue than pink; or no green…?
  • Could the underpinning research point to the issue; and signpost the pathways?
  • Where does pink show up in the summary statement – beginning or end?  Does it matter?

