Writing 4* Impact

Objective:  draft an outline for the ‘Details of Impact’ using summary sentences

Duration:  about 45 – 60 minutes

Note: This workshop assumes that you have created the summary statement using the key sentences approach described in these workshops: Writing a 4* Summary; Using Key Sentences.

Task 1

Revisit your summary statement and ensure that it follows the four-sentence structure:

  1. Describe what has changed
  2. Explain the link to the research
  3. Identify different aspects of the change
  4. Describe the reach of the change

Task 2

  • Write out (or cut out) each sentence onto different strips of paper.
  • Copy each aspect of sentence 3 onto separate strips of paper.

Task 3

  • Combine sentences 1 and 3. This creates the opening statement for Section 4.
  • Set out each aspect of sentence 3 – one under the other. This creates the sub-headings for Section 4.
  • Repeat sentence 4. This creates the conclusion to Section 4.
  • You now have an outline for Section 4.

Task 4

Write or type the new outline onto a fresh piece of paper/document.

In pairs share the outlines and discuss

  • what might be missing
  • implications for the summary statement (i.e. does this need to be revised?)

Reminder of sentence combinations

  • Sentences 1-4 combine into the 100-word summary (Section 1)
  • Sentences 1 and 3 combine to open Section 4 ‘Details of Impact’
  • Sentence 2 provides the key ideas identified in Section 2 ‘Underpinning Research’
  • Sentence 3 provides aspects of impact to structure Section 4 ‘Details of Impact’
  • Sentence 4 provides the reach to close Section 4 ‘Details of Impact’
