Writing a 4* Title

Objective:  Create a title that communicates something is changing because of the research.

Duration:  about 45 minutes

Task 1

Using current working titles,

  • Write the title on strip of card

In pairs discuss:

  • What does the current title tell you?
  • To what extent does the title convey what has changed in the world as a consequence of your research?

Task 2

Take the strip of card and cut out each individual word.  Place the ‘cut out’ title on the table.

In pairs identify and discuss:

  • What is the operative verb (the word that communicates ‘change’)?
  • What is the subject for/of change
  • What is the driver?
  • Doing what through what? – use own key words
  • What needs to change in the title to better reflect the ‘details of impact’ (i.e. Section 4 of the template)?

Using blank pieces of card

  • Swap/replace/insert/re-order/add and revise the title to better communicate the impact
  • Write down the different versions created

Task 3

Promenade around all titles – write feedback/questions onto post-it notes for each (suggestions for better operative verbs; more succinct wording etc)
