
Cara Corrigan: Thriving Through Theatre

CONTENT WARNING: RAPE/SEXUAL ASSAULT. At first glance, Cara Corrigan looks just like any other American college senior. The spunky redhead spends her days in Philadelphia working on assignments for her major in musical theatre, following…

Intersex: The Invisible Identity

There was a time in society when it was supposedly just men and woman, terms like gender and sex was used synchronously with each other determining whether you were male or female. Those were the…

Feminists: What Were They Thinking?

(Credit from SceneSource) The original documentary from Netflix: Feminists, What Were They Thinking, centred on a portrait by photographer Cynthia MacAdams, delves into the history of feminism in 1970. The 1970s was a period of…

Ewha Women’s University

Since May in 2018, South Korea has continued to explode large-scale protects march from women. They protested the frequent sexual harassment against women and the Inaction of the police departments, also protest the panic and…

Lynzy Lab It's a scary time to be a man right now

It’s A Scary Time To Be A Man

Credit to Lynzy Lab (@mercedeslynz) on Twitter Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably have seen this video circulating the internet recently featuring Lynzy Lab (@mercedeslynz) Lynzy wrote and performed a song about…

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