Bringing uncovered sport into the light

Author: kib00033

PACE News caught up with Ian Brown as he was about to embark on his first ‘Ultra Marathon’. While a seasoned runner himself, this gruelling 57km endurance race was nothing like he had ever done before. Watch below to find out why he decided to test himself, and what tips he would give to anybody thinking the same.

Getting Scotland Rolling

Kyle Brown


Roller derby is a contact sport that originated out of America and now has roots worldwide. A typical ‘bout’ consists of two teams of up to 15, with 5 on the oval track at any given point – 1 ‘jammer’ (identified by a star on their helmet) and 4 ‘blockers’. A jammers job is to lap members of the opposition team and will score points in the process, whereas, as the name suggests, it is the duty of the blockers to prevent that.

With rollerblading an activity many people grew up with, it’s surprising that a competitive sport such as roller derby hasn’t had much exposure or attention. But here at PACE News, we caught up with the team at Scottish Roller Derby to find out more!

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Pat Tongue – Pushing his Body to the Extreme

Kyle Brown


For most runners, the 26.2 miles (42.2km) of a marathon is the pinnacle of running achievements. It takes months of hard work, dedications and sacrifice. But for a few extreme individuals, a marathon is only seen as a warm up.

When living back in his native Australia, Patrick Tongue had a picture of the start line to the Ultra-Trail Du Mont Blanc (UTMB) race sat on his desk. Since moving to Germany and working in Switzerland, the start line is practically a stone throw away. PACE News got chatting to him to see what exactly it takes – mentally and physically – to prepare yourself and to compete in these sort of endurance events.

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