Bringing uncovered sport into the light

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Head to the Beach with Sport of the Day

Ailsa Harvey


In beach volleyball, two teams of two players aim to hit the ball over the net and to the ground, while keeping the ball inside the court. The sport is very similar to regular volleyball but is played on sand.

Teams are allowed up to three touches of the ball among them before they are required to send the ball over the net. Teams continue to send the ball back and forth, and the tally ends when a team gains a point by ‘grounding’ the ball on the opposing team’s side of the net, or if the ball falls outside of the court.

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From TV to the Track: Sport of the Day

Ailsa Harvey


A sprint form of automobile racing, the sport of rallycross is held on a mixed-surface racing circuit. Predominantly popular in countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Great Britain, the sport uses specifically built road cars.

The sport is a combination of rallying and circuit racing, with the short races taking place on mixed surfaces; dirt and asphalt. Races often occur in amphitheatres, and the vehicles used are able to accelerate from 0mph to 60mph in less than two seconds.

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Vegan and Elite: An Interview with Grant Sheldon

Ailsa Harvey


Grant Sheldon is a 24-year-old professional triathlete from Hamilton, Scotland. Taking up the sport around 10 years ago, he has since podiumed at European and World Cups, as well as ranking 4thin Edmonton at the World Triathlon Series; the top level of triathlon racing.

Towards the end of 2015, Grant decided to make a change which he hoped would positively affect his performances in these races: he became vegan.

The process of becoming fully vegan took him around one year. “I started reading to find out if food could enhance athletic performance and gradually discovered that ditching animal products might work,” he said. “I started off with cow’s milk- something I used to drink a lot of.”

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Hop, Skip and Jump into Sport of the Day

Ailsa Harvey


The triple jump is a track and field event, which has been covered in the Olympic Games (in some form) since the ancient Greek Olympics. The event involves the competitor running down the track, and performing a ‘hop, skip and jump’ into a sand pit.

The ‘hop’ has to be made so that the athlete lands on the same foot they took off from, the ‘skip’ or ‘step’ then follows with the second landing being on the other foot and the final jump takes place with both feet in the sand pit.

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Taking the Leap: Sport of the Day

Ailsa Harvey


The extreme sport of BASE jumping derives from skydiving and involves jumping from fixed objects as opposed to jumping from a plane, high in the sky. This element makes the sport even more dangerous as there is less time to complete the jump from the lower altitude.

Participants in this sport leap from their chosen structure, and free-fall to the ground below. They aim to deploy their safety parachute at the last possible moment. With the high risk involved and the small margin for error, it is clear to see how the sport has earned its extreme sport title. B.A.S.E is an acronym, standing for the four categories of fixed objects BASE jumpers can use:

B- Buildings
A- Antennas
S- Spans (bridges)
E- Earth (cliffs)

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Sail through the week with Sport of the Day

Ailsa Harvey


Fleet Racing is the most common form of competitive sailing. This form of racing comes in two formats; one-design racing and handicap racing. One-design races involve boats of the same design while handicap competitions allow for different types of boats in the same race. To ensure the result is fair, the slower boats begin the race before the faster models. Alternatively, the boats are all given a rating and these ratings are used in calculating the final result instead of the time alone.

A Wheely Fast Sport of the Day

Ailsa Harvey

Wheelchair racing is a Paralympic sport, open to athletes with any qualifying type of disability: this includes amputees, spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy or partially sighted (when combined with another disability).

There are different classifications for competition to allow athletes with differing disabilities to take part fairly in the sport. Athletes are classified depending on the nature and severity of their disability. 

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Risky Rafting: Sport of the Day

Ailsa Harvey


White water rafting is a team sport, involving the navigation of an inflatable raft down the fast, white water of a river. The sport can include risky areas of white water, with different rivers graded with levels of difficulty. Teamwork is essential in balancing and manoeuvring the raft, ensuring the fastest route is taken, and done so safely.

It is an extreme sport when carried out in technical rivers, and mistakes can be fatal. The classes of white water range from the lowest difficulty rating, class 1, with very small rough areas requiring slight manoeuvring to class 6. Class 6 rapids are considered so dangerous that they are ‘not navigable on a reliably safe basis’. Huge waves, large rocks and drops can be expected on these rapids and have proved extremely dangerous in comparison to the lower classes.


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Dog Sledding- Dogs and sports; what’s not to love?

Harry McArthur


The rules and equipment required for dog sledding are available at the bottom of the article, so if you are unsure on any of the technical terms used have a look down there!


I would have been shocked if a matter of weeks ago someone told me that they could blend together two of my favourite things in life. After some searching I found it; a combination of sports and dogs. Dog sledding. To find out more about dog sledding I caught up with the social media manager of the SDAS (Sled Dog Association of Scotland), Ashleigh Dean, for some details on the sport.

“Dog sledding is not one of the first sports you think of in Scotland or the UK, but over the last few years it has grown a lot. In many other countries, dog sled sports are recognized and for some countries it is part of their culture and history.

“Many people are under the impression that the sport is only done on a sled, on snow, for miles and miles, so can’t really be done in Britain. In Scotland we get a chance to do some of our training using a sled on snow, but the majority of our races are completed on a rig. In Britain we mostly focus on sprint distances. So speed more than mileage, as trails for distance are hard to come by.”

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Pat Tongue – Pushing his Body to the Extreme

Kyle Brown


For most runners, the 26.2 miles (42.2km) of a marathon is the pinnacle of running achievements. It takes months of hard work, dedications and sacrifice. But for a few extreme individuals, a marathon is only seen as a warm up.

When living back in his native Australia, Patrick Tongue had a picture of the start line to the Ultra-Trail Du Mont Blanc (UTMB) race sat on his desk. Since moving to Germany and working in Switzerland, the start line is practically a stone throw away. PACE News got chatting to him to see what exactly it takes – mentally and physically – to prepare yourself and to compete in these sort of endurance events.

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