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Tag: extreme

Taking the Leap: Sport of the Day

Ailsa Harvey


The extreme sport of BASE jumping derives from skydiving and involves jumping from fixed objects as opposed to jumping from a plane, high in the sky. This element makes the sport even more dangerous as there is less time to complete the jump from the lower altitude.

Participants in this sport leap from their chosen structure, and free-fall to the ground below. They aim to deploy their safety parachute at the last possible moment. With the high risk involved and the small margin for error, it is clear to see how the sport has earned its extreme sport title. B.A.S.E is an acronym, standing for the four categories of fixed objects BASE jumpers can use:

B- Buildings
A- Antennas
S- Spans (bridges)
E- Earth (cliffs)

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Pat Tongue – Pushing his Body to the Extreme

Kyle Brown


For most runners, the 26.2 miles (42.2km) of a marathon is the pinnacle of running achievements. It takes months of hard work, dedications and sacrifice. But for a few extreme individuals, a marathon is only seen as a warm up.

When living back in his native Australia, Patrick Tongue had a picture of the start line to the Ultra-Trail Du Mont Blanc (UTMB) race sat on his desk. Since moving to Germany and working in Switzerland, the start line is practically a stone throw away. PACE News got chatting to him to see what exactly it takes – mentally and physically – to prepare yourself and to compete in these sort of endurance events.

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