Help Wanted: Magazine Memories

A new magazines exhibition at Edinburgh Central Library was an ideal opportunity to introduce our next project

The library’s excellent collection of post-1960s magazines was the theme of a short talk by Scott Hames. Around 60 magazine fans — and magazine editors — braved the summer showers and received a free print copy of FLYTE.

Audience questions centred on changing media/political contexts in Scotland, and  the attraction of long-form print journalism for younger writers today. Very many thanks to Iain Duffus of ECL for the invitation, and to everyone who signed up for this enjoyable session.

Our next project: magazine memories

Exploring the legacy of these magazines, and what younger generations can learn from them, is a key focus of our next SMN project.

To anyone likely to be reading the SMN blog:

We’d love your help with a new magazine project we’re developing now, intended to creatively capture your magazine memories.

Archived magazines only tell us so much – we also need to hear the stories and impressions of people connected to them.

So if you were involved with a Scottish magazine published in the 1970s-90s – whether as a reader, subscriber, contributor, artist, or editor – we’d love to hear from you.

Guided by the input and ideas of magazine veterans, we’d like to produce a scrapbook magazine that documents some of your memories, highlights and reflections. We’re also hoping to produce a short film about these magazines their stories and connections.

If you’d like to be involved, please contact!