9 Health Hacks for Sloths

Look- I get it. University is a crazy environment. Once the Freshers Week high becomes nothing but a distant memory, you find that everything becomes that little bit less straight forward- and that Domino’s pizza student deal becomes that little bit more enticing. Your days blend into each other- especially if you’re hungover all the time, and most of the time you’re just going through the motions in a ready-made meal lifestyle. I know it. I’ve felt it. Don’t think you’re alone in the funk you’re experiencing.

You’ve been taking in all the information about the sport facilities at a safe distance, but that just feels like a few steps too much, at least for now- doesn’t it?

But what if there were some small baby steps you could take that would make things that bit better for you? Maybe some things that could lead to more energy, better mental health, and a happier you? Would you like to graduate from sloth-dom? Check out these simple health hacks that could make that happen for you:

1. Eat Breakfast!

Source: The 5TH on Unsplash


Sleep is precious, that’s for sure- and as a student, you’ve got to get as much shut eye as your party lifestyle allows- but for goodness sake, don’t ignore health hack 101- breakfast! Think about it… BREAK (THE) FAST. By the time you wake up you may not have eaten for what… 10 hours, give or take? Fit in the time for breakfast. Studies have shown that eating a balanced breakfast improves your health, kickstarts your metabolism for the day (aiding weight loss), improves your concentration and well… you know… provides you with the energy you need to get on with your day.


2. Vitamins

Source: Pexels

University can really mess up your diet right? When family home cooked meals are potentially miles away from where you are, it’s quite easy to fall into some bad habits and not get the nutrients that your body needs to keep healthy, stay energised, or even fight infection. There are many vitamin supplement brands out there to keep yourself in tip-top shape, and the NHS provide some useful information regarding vitamin intake and whether or not you should be taking them.


3. Drink Plenty of Water

You may know it as the only thing you can drink the morning after you’ve hit it hard, but water has a place in the health of many! As well as the fact that water improves your wellbeing by flushing out toxins, improving your skin, and boosting your immune system- among many other benefits- it’s also infinite, and on a student budget it saves you a lot of money! If water was a person, water would have so many friends, so keep water in your life- water is pure… and precious. Trust.


4. Find Replacements for the ‘Bad Stuff’!

What if there was a way to still enjoy pizzas without the greasiness? Or to have a delicious sweet and sour chicken dish without ordering a Chinese? Sometimes making a few adjustments can do you the world of good! The internet is a wonderful resource that can facilitate this. Ever hear of the term ‘fakeaway’? Blog sites such as Pinch of Nom can help you bring them to life. And for my fellow crisp lovers- consider moving to rice cakes… a lighter option with a surprisingly large variety of flavours!


5. Mindfulness Through Meditation

Meditation has a realm of benefits for your mindfulness and can be done outdoors or within the comfort of your own room. Research has suggested that not only does engaging in meditation activities reduce stress, but spending 25 minutes meditating can also improve your brain functionality. Live that zen life.


6. Put the Phone Away After Hours

As digital natives, if we’re not checking social media at any waking moment, we’re at a bit of a loss. It’s known that being exposed to our phones at night can affect our sleeping pattern. It might be best to not leave it so near to you as you sleep. Plus, leaving your phone out of reach means no more setting your alarm to snooze, and you’ll definitely be up on time for your 9am!


7. Exercise on Your Own Terms

So you’re not too keen on joining the gym at this present time. So what? There are so many ways for you to get exercise in. If all those machines at the gym don’t tickle your fancy, why not join a jogging group, or start playing tennis? If you’re a pretty self-conscious person, look up some Rihanna dance tutorial to sweat it out to in your bedroom. And if you just don’t feel all that fit at the minute, find yourself a friend who feels the same and move at each other’s pace! Exercise is not a one-size-fits-all thing.


8. Bring a Packed Lunch

Source: Pexels

Sometimes getting curly fries is the easiest option. But it’s not the cheapest, nor is it the best in the long run. Be a little more proactive regarding food intake, and start bringing in your own packed lunches! Need some inspo? Buzzfeed have compiled a handy list of lunchbox essentials to give you some ideas for your perfect packed lunch.

9. Visit your Practioner

You should aim to visit a GP at least every year for a check-up, and since you’re in Scotland, a visit to the GP as part of the NHS is more than likely cost-free! But stay on top of your mental health too and be aware of all the health services on campus, including the counselling service. Your health is your wealth, folks!

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