At times such as this, with uncertainty as to what will happen next in this world and where will be the victim, the human race is in need of hope and not just hope but a “sure hope.”
For us at the Redeem Student Society, we have encountered the sure hope, and any successful findings must be announced. We are in existence primarily to let everyone know that we have Him, (Jesus). He dead for you and my sins on the cross so that we may have His righteousness, become the Sons of God, escape the judgment to come and thus the punishment of God in the Lake of everlasting burning fire which is prepared for all who refuse the price that the Son of God (Jesus Christ) paid on their stead when He died on the cross for their sins; that all who believe in Him may have eternal life and become immortal, dwell in His paradise which He has prepared for all that love Him and have accepted Him as their Lord and Saviour. What love! What humility! That He (God) Who created everything should lay His life for us to live forever. What love!
Furthermore, this group was established in 2012 by the City of God Stirling for the purpose of ministering the message of Jesus Christ’s liquid love to everyone on campus, leading as many as are the “foreordained” sons of God (Bible. Ephesians Chapter 1: verse 4) to Him as He has commanded us through His Holy Scripture (Bible. Romans Chapter 10: Verses 9 and10). As a result of the spirituality of this mission, the President of this society, John Oloyede says so much time is invested into prayers of intercession, studying and meditating on the Word of God in other to derive clear cut directions from the Spirit of God on what to do, when to do and how to do what to do. He says the driving force of the society has been from two major Words of God which are from the book of John chapter 8: verse 47 and Acts chapter 4 : verse 12, as these Words have been the back bone to successfulness of the society.
The Scared Book of Life says in Isaiah 52:7 (KJV) and I quote “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! Who mends the broken hearted? Who heals the sick? Who gives appetite to those chasing shadows? Who feels the heart of the addicts with love? Who satisfies the frustrated and gives hope to the hopeless? Who makes the unrighteous become righteous? Who can blot out all your sins and has the power to save anyone that calls on His name from eternal damnation in the lake of fire? Jesus Christ. This is our motivation. If you are interested in joining this group, signify by coming to our meeting venue at the Atrium, King Lan Room by 6:30pm on Fridays or you can sign up at the Student Union office. Membership fee is £5 only. For any further enquiries, please visit our Facebook page. Remember, every labour of love and faith will never go unrewarded by God. Believe and receive the gift of God for Jesus is coming soon.
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