Category: Public Speaking Society

Fun facts and cocktails

Have you always been afraid to look ridiculous while conversing in society? I think most of us have. In case this statement does not make you feel better (it doesn’t? really?), you can still...

How to Rock Your Christmas Party

Corporate events can be great fun! Especially corporate Christmas parties are usually marked with thick red crosses in employees’ calendars. Each year and in every organisation, one part of these events is never missing:...

Why should I hire you?

University degrees are becoming ubiquitous, but employers are increasingly underwhelmed with the quality of graduates. What can you do to stand out from your peers?

Be the best version of yourself!

Become a confident speaker and increase your success with the Public Speaking Society at the Stirling University!  Three out of four individuals suffer from anxiety of speaking in public. Even if is not your...

The comfort zone

Someone’s comfort zone is their safe place, where they are in a known territory, where they get comfortable with the familiar and their daily habits. By staying in this zone, a person avoids any...