PREPP63 (2017-18) Blog

Borders Down with Salsa!

Walls, borders, barriers, barricades, frontiers… The whole world seems to become more and more obsessed with exclusion, division, anti-immigration, starting with Brexit and finishing with Mr. President of the United States and his infamous...

Ice Ice Baby!

How Stirling’s Cultural Arts Exchange Society prevents you from being “Bambi on ice”? Find out through reading this article about the society’s latest ice skating event.

Why should I hire you?

University degrees are becoming ubiquitous, but employers are increasingly underwhelmed with the quality of graduates. What can you do to stand out from your peers?

Where William Met Kate

Who hasn’t heard the story of how Prince William met Kate? In honour of the royal fairytale the International Society spend a sunny Saturday exploring St. Andrews on the trail of William and Kate. St. Andrews,...

Calling all Netball Newbies

Never heard of netball? The abbreviations “GA”, “GK” or “C” don’t ring any bells? No problem at all! Even if you haven’t the slightest clue what netball actually is or how it is played,...



LAKE OF FIRE At times such as this, with uncertainty as to what will happen next in this world and where will be the victim, the human race is in need of hope and...

And the Golden Spoon goes to…

“Stop being so dramatic!” – my friends tell me every time I overreact a little when my favourite coffee shop runs out of my favourite syrup. I bet I am not the only person...

Fàilte gu Sruighlea! Welcome to Stirling!

A sure sign that the summer break is over? The week when freshers and returning students start filling the halls of Stirling University again. A new semester has begun and the anticipation and expectations are sky-high. So many events to attend...