Gender Equality Movement

Join a Society? Ours could be the one!

Let us explain you why…

Have you ever been interested in current issues about gender? Have you ever heard words as women’s rights, femicide, sex trafficking, wartime sexual violence?  If this topic concerns you or you just think that learning more about these realities could be useful and worthwhile, GEM could be the right thing for you!

The University of Stirling’s Gender Equality Movement aims to be the place where you can enjoy open-minded people’s company and have a great learning quality time.

We want our society to be the safe place where everyone can feel free to share thoughts, experiences and knowledge. We want our society to help us understand this complex and ever-changing world.


We are convinced that the debate with different people coming from various parts of the world can be a great added value to our life and university experience. It can help us become more aware about the reality that surrounds us.

Give your week the right start by joining us: we meet every Monday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm and you are more than welcome to come along even if you are not registered. You can find us in Cottrell 2B88, but we usually meet in the atrium around 6:15…so, there is no reason to stress if you are not familiar with Cottrell building (no worries, that’s a common thing 😉).

Last but not least: our society is completely FREE!

If you want to know more about us, you can find all the information on our Facebook page here. Feel free to have a look and contact us, we will be pleased to answer all your questions.

We hope to see you soon!

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