Let’s balance that pay-scale, shall we?



What is the one thing that is expected from a place of work? Sufficient compensation and equality in terms of work load and designation. This has to be supported with due appreciation and non-monetary compensation.

To bring the matters to light, The Scottish Socialist Party Society, also known as SSP was started to at least contribute change in the society where all the bosses rule and the workers are driven to do the things for which they are not even getting performance-related pay.

In an interview held with the member and organizer, Morgan Lewis-Wilson, an undergraduate student studying Politics shared his ideas and experiences he has had since his initiation in the society. The society started way back in 2014 and reached it’s peak in performance however lost it’s steam on it’s course due to unknown reasons.

Since then, the society has been restored, the members have been keen on building up the society’s standards mirroring its reputation that was upheld back in 2014.

The working of the society is casual and hardworking at the same time. People from all fields and professions – be student or faculty, are invited to join because hey, everyone wants to be able to live without having to look over their shoulder every now and then, while taking tough job decisions. Also,  being comfortable with the wages that they are being provided – is also one of the main campaigns of the society. Compensation should be commemorative with the efforts required with the job. Otherwise, what’s the point of slogging throughout the day and receive peanuts at the end of the month?


As for members, they are provided with the freedom to choose the kind of work they want to take over as per their skill set or convenience. Members are encouraged to create as much awareness they can about their work so that more people, including the common public can take inspiration from it and demand for change. This must allow the employee  to breathe freely in his or her workspace without having to think about the suppression caused by the so-called economic and work hierarchy in an organization.

The society has held various events, for example – Information stall during Fresher’s Week Fair,  campaign stall activities held in and out of the university, weekly discussions with fellow members about their thoughts and opinions regarding the society and its working with obviously, a slice of pizza. The members of the society also travel to Edinburgh and Glasgow to promote their movement and voice their beliefs about the NEED to change and free the working class from the money-worry.

As for the society, it is still laying down its foundation and building bricks to rebuild its image as it was a couple of years ago, holding thought-provoking discussions, multiple campaigns and a fire to help the people fight for the appreciation in their place of work, a little bit, day by day.

Want to contribute?

To become a member, it costs just £5 and if you want to just sit in one of the meetings and experience the rush and listen to the ideas of the members, it’s FREE!

So join today to bring a change!

And to further contact us, just drop in a message on our Facebook Page!




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